Sunday, August 9, 2009

Canyon Style

Couldn't wait to get outside after a long work week, so (despite the 95+ degree temps) decided to head to Little River Canyon.  It was a sweat-fest, but surprisingly successful. While most of the day was spent goofing around, I sent the extension to 'The Word'- (13b) with a very reachy crux.  Psyched from the send, we decided to go for an evening dip with the dogs in our favorite swimming hole.  Alby, Jack's best friend in the world, is staying with us for the weekend and had a great time and even did some swimming (with assistance).

(teaching Alby my ninja tricks)

Just got a flip camera- so here's my first attempt at using it -

1 comment:

  1. the rock goddess in action and the best dogs in the world! that was awesome! i can't believe alby swam!!! we were screaming when we watched that!!!!!!
